Jobs Victoria Employment Network
Looking for work? Are you ready to work now?
The #WorkNOW program in partnership with Kensington Neighbourhood House and the Maribyrnong & Moonee Valley Local Employment Learning Network (MMVLLEN) is part of the Victorian Governments Jobs Victoria Employment Network (JVEN), a major activity to help Victorian jobseekers gain employment. JVEN services are delivered by specialist employment experts who work closely with employers to identify job opportunities and prepare job seekers for those roles.
JVEN includes services that:
- assist jobseekers to gain employment
- actively engage with employers to identify job opportunities
- offer flexible services designed to meet the needs of jobseekers
- link to community support services to meet the needs of jobseekers and maximise employment outcomes
- provide services that address gaps in and complement existing services, including Commonwealth services.
Register today:
Please call us to book in for a FREE careers appointment: 03 9212 0236.
The Wingate Avenue Community Centre, 13a Wingate Avenue, Ascot Vale, VIC 3032
Program Fees
*Eligible participants: FREE