About Us
Wingate Avenue Community Centre (WACC), established in 1985, is a busy, vibrant neighbourhood house, based on a state government housing estate in Ascot Vale. The centre is a not for profit, incorporated association governed by a Committee of Management, made up of local community members that provide the governance structure and strategic direction for the centre’s management.
WACC provides multiple place-based services, including occasional childcare, accredited and non-accredited education courses*, employment support services, community events and activities, as well as co-located services including Moonee Valley Legal Service, Anglicare financial counselling, Community Collective Victoria’s provisional psychologist, Services Australia (formerly Centrelink), Maternal and Child Health, and a Cultivating Communities community garden. The centre facilities include two computer labs, a commercial kitchen, a recently renovated 19 place childcare centre, five training rooms and a community shed.
The centre believes that providing community programs and activities is an integral part of a whole-of-centre approach to support individuals to overcome disadvantage, in order to improve their quality of life in ways that they chose. WACC strives to achieve this by providing services, programs, courses, and activities that are relevant to the community, are accessible, and are of outstanding quality.
*We are a registered training organisation that delivers non-accredited and accredited courses, including Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), Skills for Education and Employment (SEE), Skills First, and Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE).

Our Values
COVID Safety
Wingate Avenue Community Centre is a safe environment for everyone in the community.
We follow current public health orders, and have a COVID Safe Plan in operation, which controls our cleaning and sanitizing protocols. If you would like more information on our COVID safe practices, you can speak to the Manager.
For the safety of all, we ask that you do not attend the Centre if:
- You are feeling unwell
- You have been potentially exposed to the virus and have not yet been tested
- You have tested positive for COVID, influenza, or RSV
Face masks may be required to be worn, depending on current health advice. We have disposable face masks available at reception available to all visitors.
As COVID restrictions vary from time to time, depending on the Public Health Officer’s advice, access to the building may be restricted. However, our staff continue to work through restrictions, so please contact us by phone if you require assistance and the building is closed.
Vision + Mission
Our Mission
Wingate Avenue Community Centre Inc. is committed to being a centre that focuses on social justice, advocacy and action on behalf of local people who are experiencing barriers to participation. We believe this commitment will lead to improved quality of life and empowerment for all in the local community.
Our Vision
To build and promote a sense of community and neighbourliness based on harmony, understanding and respect for difference.
To be aware of, and responsive to the changing needs and aspirations of local residents, particularly those experiencing vulnerabilities.
To remove barriers to participation by providing a safe, welcoming, accessible programs and services which are affordable, relevant and inclusive.
To liaise and consult with local residents and agencies to plan and develop programs and further develop the aims of the centre.
Our team
Wingate Avenue Community Centre is governed by a Committee of Management (CoM) that meet at least every six weeks to oversee the strategic direction of the centre, compliance, and risk management. The CoM are volunteers who live in the Ascot Vale and surrounding area.
The General Manager reports directly to the CoM and is supported by an experienced and dedicated team of managers, teachers, tutors, childcare educators and administration staff.

Our Resources
Centre Frameworks
Strategic Plan
Annual Reports and Audits
Feedback + Complaints
We value your feedback and include any feedback received into our continuous improvement planning.
You can lodge feedback, complaints or compliments through the following avenues:
- In person directly to a staff member
- By Complaints & Appeals form: Link
- By phone on (03) 9212 0236
- By email to admin@wingateave.com.au
- In writing to the General Manager, 13a Wingate Avenue, Ascot Vale
You don’t have to provide your details; your feedback can be anonymous. However, we won’t be able to give you an update on our improvements if you don’t provide your details.
2025 Community Survey
We’d like to hear from you to help us understand what’s currently needed in the community, and how we can help. Our survey is totally anonymous.
You can fill it out online here, or you can pick up a paper copy at the centre and drop it in the collection box at reception.